Showing posts with label piles care capsules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label piles care capsules. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Ayurvedic Treatment or Medicine for Piles - Swakalyan Ayurveda

Piles symtoms and treatment
Piles symtoms and treatment

The world has changed quickly where people are chasing their goals and dreams so fast that they forget to get the basics right. The growing competition at workplaces and the need for constant professional improvement are what shapes our lives, leaving us unable to even have a distraction-free or wholesome meal and even causing a lack of sleep or rest. We find ourselves chained to our desks for hours on end in an endless pursuit of excellence while forgetting to take even a second to pay attention to our general wellbeing be it in the form of exercise or diet.

It is this rat race, which has really become the norm across the globe, that is leaving the human race vulnerable to damage, a reduced immunity, and a higher prevalence of diseases that earlier had an onset much later in life. Age groups between the 30s and late 40s are most vulnerable to these ailments and individuals are left struggling and finding it hard to look after themselves.

Hemorrhoids or Piles is one such deficiency that has slowly started to impact people in the aforementioned age group when it was earlier affecting people in their 60s and 70s. And in the end, it may leave one looking for an appropriate Ayurvedic medicine for piles.

Firstly Understanding Piles:

The way people have started to restructure their lifestyles has taken a toll on their eating habits. When time is short, we compromise on quality for convenience; Skipping breakfast, having lunch early, innumerable cups of coffee and eating whatever snacks are easily available put pressure on the digestive system. When one pays so little attention to food and eating schedule, digestive issues are bound to happen. Unless it is corrected, it can cause chronic diarrhea. Heavy straining, frequent constipation and heavy pressure on the rectum finally ends in piles.

Further, it is first vital to understand Ayurveda’s perspective on what Piles is, and what the most effective Ayurvedic treatment for Piles is. "Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers.". In many cases, it will begin with pain around the anus and individuals will find it difficult to pass their bowel. These are the first signs that needed to be paid heed to. If it is not treated right, it leads to a prolapse of the anus and bleeding. This uncomfortable disorder is caused by a variety of symptoms like; poor diet, constipation, diarrhea, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and bad posture.

How Ayurvedic can help in treating piles and fistula:

The Ayurvedic view of health is holistic. Ayurveda strives to rebalance the disease-causing imbalances and benefit overall health. 

While Ayurvedic medicines for piles do exist, correction of metabolic errors and lifestyle modification is the key to curing piles. Eating healthy, fresh, and wholesome food as per a fixed meal schedule will ease the stress on the digestive system. Charting out a healthy diet plan and weeding out harmful activities from your daily routine can gradually help people with piles and fistula recover naturally. Water and fiber intake should be at healthy levels. One should also avoid eating at night and strive to eat the main meal in the afternoon. 

Ayurveda has identified numerous herbs and natural ingredients that have proven to work as a remedy for piles. At Swakalyan Ayurveda, We have used ayurvedic herbs to create Arsh niwarak - an Ayurvedic proprietary oral supplement is to treat the root cause that leads to piles, anal bleeding, and haemorrhoids. 

Asrh Niwarak helps in reducing pain and swelling, softens stool, relives itching and burning sensations. The unique combination of herbs with extracts of Turmeric, Chitrak, Guggulu, and Triphala, makes this one of the best ayurvedic treatment for piles and fissure.

Key Ingredients: 

Punarnava , Kana- Piper Long (50 mg), Nagarmautha (EXTRACT) (50 mg), Chiruvillawa  (EXTRACT) (50 mg), Chitrak (75 mg), Abhaya  (EXTRACT) (100 mg),  Ajmoda (125 mg),  Javasa (100 mg), Neem Ghan  (EXTRACT) (50 mg), Bakayan Ghan  (EXTRACT) (50 mg)

Ayurvedic herb for piles treatment
Ayurvedic herb for piles treatment

Banefits of Ayurvedic medicine:

Arsh niwarak regulates your metabolism with a mild laxative action and helps facilitate easy bowel movement. Regular intake of Arsh niwarak reduces pain, promotes shrinkage of pile mass, and speeds up healing.

Using a careful balance of the above natural ingredients the solutions from Swakalyan Ayurveda can help:

  • Reduces rectal bleeding
  • Alleviates pain & itching
  • Relieves Chronic constipation
  • Controls anal protrusion, inflammation and swelling
  • Facilitates easy bowel evacuation

Dosage of  Arsh niwarak Capsule:

2 capsules in morning and 2 capsules in evening with water/milk or as directed by the physician.

A stress-free life awaits you!

Surgery is not the only way to treat hemorrhoids and fistulas. Look the natural way before opting for other drugs and treatments. To get the maximum benefits, one must also follow the recommended lifestyle changes. Ayurveda is a preventive as well as protective science that promotes overall wellness. Lifestyle changes include making it a priority to eat your meals at the same time every day as far as possible. It's good to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet rich in fiber and low on processed ingredients. Many of the ingredients used in Ayurvedic medicine for fistulas are also used in Indian cooking. You can add them to your daily menu in normal amounts. Healthy digestion will not only relieve the problem of piles but will also show results in the overall health and vitality of the person.

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